ARRI Alexa 35 Camera System

Making its top-tier ALEXA 35 camera system more accessible for a wider range of users and production types, ARRI introduces a new entry model and flexible licenses. The existing camera, with all its softwarebased features, will now be known as the ALEXA 35 Premium model, and is joined by the new and lower-priced ALEXA 35 Base model, with a core feature set that can be upgraded via temporary or permanent licenses. Costs are further reduced with the new Codex Compact Drive Express for ProRes recording.
In terms of hardware, the ALEXA 35 Base model is identical to the ALEXA 35
Premium model, other than a blue jog wheel that will help identify Base cameras
at rental houses. Both models boast the same Super 35 sensor, industry-leading
17 stops of dynamic range, REVEAL Color Science, and ARRI image quality.
The core features of the ALEXA 35 Base model include ProRes recording up to
60 fps in 4K 16:9 and other formats, ARRI Look File (CDL and 3D LUT) support,
Enhanced Sensitivity modes up to EI 6400, and three independent 10-bit
monitoring outputs in SDR and HDR color spaces.
While the ALEXA 35 Base model feature set meets the current shooting
requirements of many customers, ARRI’s new feature licensing concept makes
the camera future-proof because users can unlock specialist and high-end
features whenever they need them. Each of the licenses can be installed for
seven days, 30 days, one year, or permanently, so owner-operators can activate
them for a short-form job, a longer-term project, or a new career direction. The
ALEXA 35 Base model will adapt and grow with the customer, giving them a
more accessible route to ARRI image quality and also helping them to progress.
The five individual licenses are: ‘120 fps’ for higher frame rates; ‘ARRIRAW’ for
uncompressed image quality; ‘Open Gate/Anamorphic’ for the full 4.6K sensor
area and anamorphic modes; ‘Pre-record’ for up to 20 seconds of buffered prerecording before the record button is pressed; and ‘Look’ for in-camera ARRI
Textures, the ARRI Look Library, and Custom Color Management.

With these five licenses installed, a Base model becomes as fully featured as the
Premium model. There is also a temporary or permanent Premium License that
combines all five individual licenses in a cost-effective bundle. If it is purchased
permanently, without any other license having previously been installed, then the customer will have spent no more than the price of a Premium model.
ARRI has offered feature licenses since the ALEXA Mini and AMIRA cameras,
but the online ARRI Shop is now much easier to use. A new third-party backend
provider has enabled more payment options, including many local currencies as
well as PayPal, Google Pay, Alipay, and Amazon Pay. License purchases are no
longer restricted to the camera owner, so productions can pay for them as well.
The ALEXA 35 Base model is available in a choice of eight sets that all bring
accessory savings, grouped within three categories: Base Entry Sets, Base
Operator Sets, and Base Production Sets. The Entry Sets offer the most
affordable way to acquire a lightweight, ready-to-shoot camera package and put
the ALEXA 35 at a price point comparable to the original ALEXA Mini.
Owner/operators and sports productions will be drawn to the Operator Sets, while the Production Sets are suited to high-end narrative productions and include
accessories that would come as standard from a rental house.

Concurrent with the ALEXA 35 Base model release, Codex is announcing its new
Compact Drive Express 1TB, which has the same write speeds and fps range as
the Compact Drive 1TB, but costs around 40% less. Recording only ProRes and
identified by a white ring, the Compact Drive Express is a perfect match for the
ALEXA 35 Base model and will be included in ARRI sales sets, making the
camera not only more affordable to buy, but also to use.
The ALEXA 35 Base model and Premium model sets are available to order now
and reflect ARRI’s long-term commitment to the ALEXA 35 system platform, for
which further upgrades are already being planned.
Learn more at
About ARRI
“Inspiring images. Since 1917.” ARRI is a global player within the motion picture industry, employing around 1,600 staff worldwide. Named after its founders August Arnold and Robert Richter, ARRI was established in Munich, Germany, where the headquarters is still located today.
Other subsidiaries are in Europe, North and South America, Asia, and Australia.
The ARRI Group consists of the business units Camera Systems, Lighting, Rental, and Solutions, as well as the subsidiary Claypaky, all dedicated to connecting creativity and future technologies for moving images and live entertainment. ARRI is a leading designer and manufacturer of camera and lighting systems for the film, broadcast, media, and entertainment industries, with a worldwide distribution and service network. The portfolio includes digital cameras, lenses, camera
accessories, archive technologies, lamp heads, and lighting accessories. Along with offering exclusive technologies, ARRI Rental’s first-class services and equipment provide camera, lighting, and grip packages to professional productions around the world. ARRI Solutions offers high-quality virtual and traditional production infrastructure solutions and efficient, integrated workflows to a broad range of studio operators, producers, and enterprises.
Claypaky fascinates audiences worldwide with cutting-edge live entertainment and stage lighting.
In recognition of its innovative contributions to the film and television industries, ARRI has been honored with 19 scientific and technical awards from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences and six Engineering Emmys from the Television Academy and the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.
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